Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Intraoperative patient safety concerns

Safety issues in the operating room start first with making sure all the equipment needed for the procedure is available and  that all emergency drugs and equipment needed for anesthesia are available.  When the patient first arrives in the operating room, a time out is done which is a safety check involving confirming the patient identity, procedure to be performed and the laterality of the procedure if applicable, and the surgeon doing the procedure.  Next anesthetic induction takes place and the patient is continuously monitored with blood pressure, EKG, pulse oximetry, capnography and gas concentrations during the procedure.   Proper positioning of the patient is important to avoid any nerve or pressure point injuries.  Soft cushions are placed under the head and arms and any pressure point contact.  Proper grounding of the patient is done for electrocautery use.  The surgery is then performed and the patient is awakened from anesthesia and taken to the recovery room

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